Sunday, September 25, 2011

image of my autobio

Me and Language

Matthew Ellor

Language to me is a form of communication in many different forms, spoken language, written language, body language, aural language and my favored visual language.  My first language is English I speak, write, and (often) understand it.  I was raised learning England English but grow up on American English.  What was interesting to me is that even though the U.S. and the U.K. native language is both English, there are some big and a lot of small some noticeable others not so noticeable, differences between the two within all the many forms of language.  The way I talk with friends is in English but it’s more colloquial, depending on who I’m with because I have an economically, racially, demographically diverse group of friends.  I learned to speak through hearing my mom and family and friends talk, seeing them interact with other people, reading their body language.  Other things that I remember really enjoying and that i believe helped was having stories read to me and attempting to read books my self, another influence was music I learned the language at a young age of 3 ½ beginning to learn the cello and I know it has positively impacted my relationship with language.  Quality, understanding and usage of language in all its forms effects how people perceive you and how the world gets along. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

My name is what my name is who my name is matt

1.  my name is matt im going to describe to all you linguistics out there how to pronounce my name.  The first syllable of Matt has an onset of a voiced bilabial nasal with a rhyme of a mid central vowel "ma" the next part of Matt is the "tt" which is a voiced alveolar stop (not sure of that please write a correction comment if wrong).

2.  here is another description for the non linguistics in the house, for Matt you begin by making a nasal "mmmm" sound by putting your lips together and then let an "aaaa" sound come out followed quickly by a short "ttt" sound by putting your tongue in back of your upper teeth which kind of sounds like a spitting noise.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

does language play a role? - a random jumble of thoughts

Language plays for both teams it helps as well as limits human rights in any situation, language is by far one of the strongest weapons we have in this world.  We can use language for so many things, whether its in conversation, or to cause happiness or pain as well as many other things.  Launguage can be as strong or as weak as the person speaking makes it, in some cases language can define who you are like jerskey showed us in the clip and explination of my fair lady in class today.  How you use language to prove a point is very key too because even if your argument is wrong if your language is presented well, organized, and thought out you can still make people think that your opinion is obviously the right one.
An example of this is in one of the news articles i brought in based on my topic which is the school to prison pipeline (sorry jerskey and prof b said its time to stop writing)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

thesis statement

                The interesting narratives of the life of Olaudah Equiano, gives us a look into one mans life from freedom to capture to becoming a slave and the aftermath.   Just imagine a violent chaotic tornado swopping down into your village brutally capturing your neighbors, your friends, even your family, and then eventually you by any means necessary.  It’s not realized right away but at this point you’ve lost everything anything that you owned, your loved ones, and even your bare minimum basic human rights are stripped away from you, and the process of breaking you down to nothing begins.  I believe that Equiano experienced a vast range of emotions from sadness to anger, and wonder to shame.  A select few emotions like fear, agony, and sorrow stood out as bold ones that seemed to be felt more constant and dominant in the Equiano.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Liberal Arts Cluster

I'm seeing how all the classes in our liberal arts cluster intertwine.  Our first class seems to dive into the issues, concepts, policies, and structural background of the laws and human rights that protect us as humans of the world.  I hope that Prof B goes into more detail on how us as humans and the government are involved in this.  In our second class we are dealing more with the issue of the language of human rights in which we discuss and blog our ideas and thoughts on the issue.  Although to be honest i still don't have a great grasp on what the language of human rights is or how it works, i hope to get a better understanding for this class and what its about because i believe this class has a lot of potential to be very interesting and helpful.  In our last class we are reading about the lives of slaves, the hardships they went through, and we are attempting to receive a better understanding of the emotions they were feeling and of course to connect it all together the lack of any basic human rights the slaves got.  I believe human rights to be rights granted to any human of the world that guarantee basic laws and rights that protect us and help us attempt to live peacefully in society.